Thursday, April 18, 2013

Self-Driving Pivot

I'm planning a pivot to one of my ideas -- the Self-Driving Trash Can is being reimagined as a Gardening robot, driving through a patch of ground and either pulling weeds or deploying pesticide on them. How do they know a weed from a "good" plant? That's a very good question, and my answer is better.

What's a good word for plant which isn't a weed? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Depends on the gardener; crop, cultivated plants. I have seen demos where a farmer held a leaf from a weed under a sprayer arm and as it was moved around the sprayer turned on the correct nozzle. Uses light sensors. not the exact vid but close enough.

    1. Yes, essentially that device, mounted to a self-driving RC car or self-piloting quadcopter.
